"crucial pit justice"
you attack us for so long with karate shit
now time for revenge has come, we don't take it
at us you run, you spin, and do many kick
the pit is strictly mosh, not get hit in dick
double windmill you display on floor is so negi
I floorpunch across your face and make pit so posi
you do stupid carthwheels and kick us in face
in return for negi moves, i headwalk you from the stage
crucial pit justification
making your existance negation
crucial pit justification
give it back to the youth crew
"edgebreak, facebrake"
when you said true til death, do you know what you meant
the edge is lifetime commitment, no it can not be bent
your edge was once so strong, like Magnus Ver Magnuson
but now it is broke, can we ever be friends again?
you break edge, now change your ways
you break edge, you are disgrace
you break edge, i break your face
edgebreak, facebreak!!!!
your first edge break was shmidt's beer, second you did cocaine
when straight crew finds you, you will suffer pain
we had doubts about you, your edge was in question
now we know you broke, time for edge retribution
you break edge, now change your ways
you break edge, you are disgrace
you brake edge, i break your face
edgebreak, facebreake!!!!
"catch the dive, do not hide"
when american mosh band comes, i like to run and dive
just like Civ GB said, it makes me more alive
the stage holds diving contests and my crew won't lose
i soar through air like bird, but still you try and move
when the crew starts jumps, its like air force attack
but if you do not catch us, we might break backs
what the fuck man? where did scene unity go?
what the fuck man? when we dive, where do you go?
"what happened to the mosh"
attention revelation-bring back the mosh
no more garrison
no more will haven
no more movie life
we want 88 mosh style
"fed up with nazi core"
i scream about edge when I on stage
then i see you heart black rage
it looks like x tat, but close i see it swastika
my crew and i jump you than we laugh at you
if brass knuckles could talk, they talk story
of xheadwalkx crew nazi beatdown glory
guitar across your face, drum stick in eye
when xheadwalkx on stage, all nazis die
"you lost my repsect, ive seen your worst, and ive seen your best
and i wont settle for anythign less," nazi scum get beat like the rest
"x up or shut up or get beat up"
floorpunch said it like one step awaw from dick in ass
homophobia negi, but i see truth clear like glass
you say you edge, your fist doesnt show it
disrespecting the edge, you better not blow it
do not hide show some pride
do not hide show some pride
do not hide show some pride
if you don't x up, from us you'll have to hide
edge hand should have thick black lines at 90 degree angle
crossed to make X and show pride like a banner
our crew is hard stanse where lessons are tought
if you don't x up, you will be fought
do not hide show some pride
if you don't x up, from us you'll have to hide
if you don't x up, from us you'll have to hide
if you don't x up, from us you'll have to hide
you say i need to try it, no i wont
you say its dinner, fuck you, i dont
raw meat cooking is death on a grill
you do it to animals, to defend them, i kill
bk-my way-no way
mcmurder-i no listen to what you say
we have revoltion on firestorm day
my pipe bomb blows fast food away
to me karl earth crisis is vegan edge martyr
he help teach world eating animals is retarded
meat is deathtaste and it i wont eat
if you try to force me, you i will beat
bk-my way-no way
mcmurder-i no listen to what you say
we have revoltion on firestorm day
my pipe bomb blows fast food away